
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hamid Gul Speaks about Afghan War!

Hamid gul states the aims of afghan war:
1. To reverse the momentum of Taliban. (Taliban who are the resistance fighters. Fighting for the same reason as they were fighting with the Soviet Union. The reason being to protect their way of life. As America is jealous of protecting their way of life the Taliban are jealous of protecting their way of life.)
2. Liberation from the occupation forces. It is not possible and is not achievable. It’s not moral and correct. As you cannot cast the nation in a certain mold you have visualized for them. They cannot settle on less than that.
3. The other purpose is for corporate America to install in the oil rich area of Afghanistan and Caspian sea basin area.
4. To check china from moving into this region.
5. To see that no new system emerge. They have seen that their system is a failure and they are afraid that if any new system based on the Islamic principles of equality, fraternity and freedom emerges then imperial powers will have no place to hide.
6. Another goal is to provide a security shield to Israel.


M Umer Toor said...

Still! Why are not these self-evident facts obvious to so many people?

This is called mind control by media. (see noam chomsky's book with similar title).

As for those who doubt purely imperial and selfish corporate interests of US in AFG - plz read, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

Unknown said...

i have heard about Confessions but have failed to find it on the internet. John Perkins has another book named Secret History of an American Empire. I have read that and it is certainly enlightening...