
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today it was raining!

Today it was a rainy day and people were happy about it. But i was very much sad about it because the wheat crops are ripe and it is their harvesting season. Today's rain was not a blessing but a wrath of Allah Almighty. It might have effected the crops badly.
We people are seeing things from their surface why don't we think deeply on whatsoever is upon us. The peace action between pakistan and india as "AMAN KI ASHA" is being hailed by group of people as a very positive act while india has stopped the water of pakistan and i am not hearing voice over that issue in media or anywhere else. this list will go on and on and on...
Knowing the results of our actions we still don't ponder over changing them or becoming aware of them. We are stunned by the glitters of this modern world which has infact given us nothing except pain, suffering and chaos. We must repent on our deeds and we should pray to Allah for forgiveness.
According to iqbal:
"We are still not aware of our awareness."

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